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A Snapshot of Post-Doc Opportunities


This week we’ve uploaded a host of post-doctoral research opportunities, ranging from childhood learning and development to migration and mental health.  Post-doctoral scholars represent a growing and important part of the VPhD community and their career trends are well documented elsewhere–most prominently, at the National Post-Doctoral Association.

We also have an ongoing selection of post-doctoral positions within our user-generated job page here.

VPhD’s role is to help provide options and tools to both help people find post-doctoral opportunities as well as to transition out of post-doctoral programs and into professional careers.  If you are thinking about pursuing a post-doc pathway it may be helpful to ask: what is your ultimate goal?


Post Doctoral Fellow, Psychology, Art Institute of Chicago

Economic Science Fellow, National Resources Defense Council

Post-Doc Fellow, Learning And Development Center, Child Mind Institute

Post-Doc Fellowship for Migration and Mobility Studies, Zolberg Institute

Post-doctoral Fellow, Mental Health, Brooklyn Minds



High Meadows Post-Doc Fellow, Atmospheric Science, Environmental Defense Fund

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Machine Learning in Drug Design, Pfizer

Physicist, Post-Doctoral Research, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Research Fellow, Lung Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Post-doc, Immunology and Inflammation, Sanofi


If there are areas of work you would like us to explore in more depth, please contact at 

We want to hear from you.

For access to more jobs as well as archived and searchable opportunities, visit our SmartJobs page. Note: SmartJobs access requires a university affiliation. User-generated jobs are open to all members and can be accessed here.