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Careers are Accelerating in EdTech and Learning Ventures

Investment in lifelong learning, stacked credentials, remote mentoring, micro-lectures and skill platforms has been growing rapidly to keep pace with our modern world of work.  The pandemic has accelerated this trend and created even more careers in the emerging “Edtech” field.  In 2020, a total of $16.1 billion was invested in edtech companies around the world.  And hundreds of new ventures, as well as new initiatives among older enterprises, are created every month.

We have written about this career area previously. In fact, we recorded an entire webinar with Brian Johnsrud (Adobe, Khan Academy) who, through years of experience inside Edtech companies, provided insights into how he applied his PhD on the job.  You can listen to this event on our webinar page.

There are also number of job and information sites that cover the growing Edtech industry; the most widely read is EdSurge (they have job listings as well).

As usual on this blog, we have provided our own PhD appropriate career opportunities in Edtech and more links on our SmartJobs page.  EdTech career roles range from program management and user research to domain experts and engineers, and are well suited to many PhDs looking to make an impact in how the world learns.


Client Experience Manager, Blackboard

Director, Program Management, Edmentum

Customer Insights Researcher, Cengage

Public Health Program Analyst, Akeshka/CDC

Associate, User Researcher, BrainPOP

Research and Dissemination Summer Intern, Summer 2021, The Primary School


Senior Software Engineer, Great Minds

Data Coach, Multiverse

AI/NLP Engineer, Cogni

If there are areas of work you would like us to explore in more depth, please contact at 

We want to hear from you.

For access to more jobs as well as archived and searchable opportunities, visit our SmartJobs page. Note: SmartJobs access requires a university affiliation. User-generated jobs are open to all members and can be accessed here.